Sunday, January 27, 2008

Did you ever know that youre my hero??

maybe if you click on them it will make them bigger. i made these on tricias cricut...the cowgirl people are actually for my friend in missouri, but the superheroes are forthe girls in my yw class. which i think will just add to how amazing they already think i am. who wouldntwant a little hero in their scriptures??? i think im gonna glue them to a square and on the back put the lyrics to the 3rd verse of as zions youth in latter days. but i might change the song if i find one that seems like it makes more sense.
but okay.thats all i had to say about these.


The Jessee Journal said...

I LOVE those for a handout idea :) They're too cute. I esp. love the awesome capes on your superheroes. Way to cricut!